A rectangle that has arm holes at each end, near the fringe. Put your arms through and it drapes over your back and front shoulders. Fun to wear with spaghetti strap tops, or sleeveless dresses.


Results 1 - 4 of 4


Beige Shrug

This is a beige Shrug. It measures 58" long by 21 wide".

Sales price: $120.00

Blue Shrug

On a hanger the sleeves are 23.5" long and the back is 21"

Sales price: $120.00

Gray Shrug

This Shrug is Blue/Gray and measures 34" long by 16" wide.

Sales price: $65.00

Salmon Shrug

This is a Salmon Shrug. It measures 58" wide by 21" wide.

Sales price: $120.00